Friday Face-Off – 20th April 2018

The Friday Face-Off is a meme originally created by Books by Proxy and now hosted over at Lynn’s Books. The idea is to compare the different covers of a book with each week being a certain theme.

This weeks’ theme is a cover featuring smoke: ‘There’s no smoke without fire.’

This week I picked Smoke Screen by Sandra Brown.

Cover A:


Cover B:


Cover C:


Cover D:


Cover E:


Cover F:


And the winner is… COVER F!

Another close one this week, but the desolate forest and smokiness hanging in the air creates an imposing atmosphere. Cover D was a close second for the simplicity it exudes.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with my winner, or does one of the others work better for you? Let me know in the comments!

Next weeks’ theme is a book cover with a medieval style: ‘Those darling bygone times… with their delicious fortresses, and their dear old dungeons, and their delightful places of torture.’

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