Friday Face-Off – 19th May 2017

Friday Face-Off is an idea originally thought up by Books By Proxy which I stole from the fantastic The Tattooed Book Geek. The idea originally was to compare UK and US covers based on an assigned theme each week and choose the winning cover. I will be twisting it slightly: not specifically US and UK covers, just different editions.

This week’s theme is a cover featuring a plane: “When everything seem to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it ….”.

This week I have cheated a little bit. I found a book I liked the sound of, Storming by K.M. Weiland. The author ran a poll on their website for fans to vote for their favourite cover. These are the options posted.

Cover A:


Cover B:


Cover C:


Cover D:


Cover E:


Cover F:


And the winner is… COVER C!

Storming is described as being a dieselpunk novel, which is a branch of steampunk. I felt cover C really brings this vibe across, especially with all the little cogs and gears surrounding the main image.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with my winner, or does one of the others work better for you? Let me know in the comments!

Next week I will be looking for a cover featuring a mouse: “Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, ‘it might have been’…”

6 thoughts on “Friday Face-Off – 19th May 2017

  1. I like B or C, but as a steampunk novel, you’re right – C probably does suit it better (I haven’t read it, by the way).

    It’s funny how a cover can completely change the perception though – although I like the look of it, if I didn’t know anything about the book, I would have thought B was a non-fiction.


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